
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Killing Trees in Cayuga County

Hemlock woolly adelgid is an invasive insect that kills eastern and Carolina hemlock trees.  This insect has been found in both the northern end and southern end of Cayuga County.  Hemlock trees are important because of the unique ecosystems that they create under their dense canopies.  They are important to water quality because they tend to grow on the steep slopes in gorges near streams and above lakes where other things cannot grow.  They stabilize shallow soils and provide erosion control.    They also provide shade to streams, which helps moderate water temperature which helps cold water species such as trout.

To learn more, please visit the New York State Hemlock Initiative.  This website provides information on how to identify hemlock woolly adelgid, how to become a citizen science volunteer, and what you can do to save your trees if you have it.