Lake Como

Lake Como is a small, relatively shallow lake in the Town of Summerhill, located in the Oswego-Seneca-Oneida River Basin, south of the Seneca River. It is an upland lake, formed in the upper portions of the Cayuga Lake Fall Creek sub-Watershed. It is part of an extensive wetland system. Two unnamed tributaries (rivers or streams flowing into a larger river or lake) enter Lake Como in the north and the water flows from the lake via the Lake Como Outlet in the south.

Photo by Bill Hecht


Lake Como Physical Features

Elevation: 1309 feet
Area: 0.11 square miles
Shoreline Length: 1.7 miles
Length: 0.6 miles
Maximum Depth: 20 feet
Mean Depth: 10 feet
Towns adjacent to the Lake: Summerhill

Lake Como Watershed Features

Area: 4.4 square miles
Counties: Cayuga
Towns within the watershed: Summerhill, Sempronius, and Locke
Villages within the watershed: None

Lake Como Initiatives

Lake Como 2024 Comprehensive Survey Report is available for review.

The Lake Como State of the Lake and Watershed Management Plan was developed in 2007.

Groups involved with protecting Lake Como

Lake Como Association: contact for more information.

Additional Resources

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Lake Como Webpage

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Lake Como Factsheet