Owasco Flats Wetland Restoration and Riparian Buffer Initiative Project

Wetlands are an important part of our natural environment.  They are transition areas between upland and aquatic habitats.  They provide critical flood and stormwater control by absorbing, storing and slowing down rain and snowmelt.  They absorb nutrients, pollutants, and filter sediment out of the stormwater.

Cayuga County has received two grants from the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation’s Green Innovation Grant Program for the Owasco Flats Wetland Restoration and Riparian Buffers Initiative Project.   This project will be located on City of Auburn owned land off of Route 38 in the Town of Moravia.  The Owasco Inlet will be reconnected with its floodplain with water control structures so that during high flow events water will flow into created and existing wetlands to filter out nutrients and sediment.  The created wetlands will be similar to natural vernal pools that have standing water about a week or two after storm events.  Not having permanent standing water will encourage amphibian reproduction, while limiting predatory fish species, nesting waterfowl and mosquitoes.

Riparian buffers will also be added along drainageways and the Owasco Inlet to further reduce nutrients and sediment inputs.  Construction of this project is planned to begin this year.  Overall, the project will reduce phosphorus and sediment that reaches Owasco Lake while improving habitat for invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians and birds.