
Clean Up After Your Pet for Cleaner Water

Written by Michele Wunderlich

Cleaning up after your dog is not just a courtesy, it helps keep our lakes and streams clean. Pet waste can pollute our local water resources and can be a significant risk to public health!

Dog waste contains harmful bacteria and nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen.  When rain or snowmelt flows over the land surface, it can pick up the pet waste and carry these bacteria and nutrients into nearby lakes, streams and wetlands.  The bacteria can cause human disease and health problems and can make the water unsafe for drinking and swimming.  Nitrogen and phosphorus

from the waste will also promote the growth of unwanted rooted aquatic plants and algae, including harmful algal blooms, in lakes and streams.

To prevent pet waste from getting into our waterbodies remember to take along a plastic bag or pooper scooper when you walk your dog. Flush the waste (not the bag) down the toilet or toss the waste (bag and all) into the garbage.

Clean water starts with you.