Learn About Hydrilla

Hydrilla is an extremely aggressive aquatic plant that has the ability to grow up to a foot a day.  The thick, dense mats it forms obstructs boating, swimming and fishing.  Its invasiveness growth blocks sunlight that kills native plants and its excessive presence reduces oxygen in the water that can alter fish habitat.  Waterfowl feeding areas and fish spawning sites are at risk of elimination with Hydrilla overabundance and water treatment, power generation and industrial facilities can sustain damage when intakes are blocked.  Extreme and stubborn Hydrilla in an area can also lower the value of waterfront property.

The on-going fight against Hydrilla growing in Cayuga Lake in areas near Cayuga County has been underway now since 2017.  This year’s treatment began in late June 2018.  The approximate 60-day treatment plan includes a slow release of the herbicide fluridone through pellets applied below the water surface.  The fluridone is absorbed into the plant’s roots and ultimately disrupts the plant’s ability to use light during its photosynthesis process. Throughout the course of treatment, there are no health risks to residents who draw their water from Cayuga Lake.  For more information on Hydrilla and Fluridone, please visit the Cayuga County Health Department’s website at:  http://www.cayugacounty.us/Community/Health/Environmental-Health/Hydrilla.   

The team from the Army Corps of Engineers leading the efforts on Cayuga Lake are reporting success with a noticeably reduced amount of Hydrilla throughout the treatment area.  The persistent nature of the plant however will mandate some form of management in the years to come.  

Early treatment is necessary in stopping the spread of Hydrilla.  In addition to scientific treatment strategies, the public too will be instrumental in identifying Hydrilla before it becomes too widespread making treatment impossible.  Residents should learn what the plant looks like and, when in the water, be on the lookout for it. For more information on how to identify and report possible Hydrilla infestations in Cayuga Lake, go to http://www.cayugalake.org/hydrillahunters.html. To report Hydrilla in other County lakes, send an email to isinfo@dec.ny.gov or call 518-402-9405.

In addition, strands of Hydrilla can attach to boats and other equipment and is then transplanted to other areas and lakes if not appropriately cleaned off.  Residents should carefully remove any aquatic vegetation, no matter how small, from water crafts when leaving any water body to be sure they are not transporting Hydrilla or other invasive species from one lake to another.

You can also learn more about invasive species here.






Owasco Lake Watershed Management Plan Public Participation Meeting Held

A public participation/outreach meeting was held on August 13th for the “Owasco Lake Watershed Management Plan—Incorporation of the EPA Nine Key Elements” project.  This public meeting was held to provide an update on the process to incorporate the EPA Nine Key Elements into the Owasco Lake Watershed Management and Waterfront Revitalization Plan, and to obtain public input on Watershed conditions and issues.  To view the presentations from that meeting or to view our public participation plan, please visit our website at http://www.cayugacounty.us/Departments/Water-Quality-Management-Agency/Information-on-County-Waterbodies/Owasco-Lake/Management-Plan.

Dr. Robert Howarth presents at the July Cayuga County Water Quality Management Agency meeting


Dr. Robert Howarth of Cornell University presented at the July 12, 2018 Cayuga County Water Quality Management Agency meeting. His presentation was “The HABs-Nutrient Connection: Might Nitrogen Play a Central Role.” His presentation can be viewed by clicking here. An article by Ryan Franklin that was published in the Citizen reporting on this meeting can be found here.


Harmful Algal Blooms Surveillance 2018

As the summer progresses, so does the possibility that harmful algal blooms will impact our County’s waterbodies. To learn more about harmful algal blooms, go here.

Two of our Finger Lakes currently are conducting surveillance for harmful algal blooms. The Owasco Watershed Lake Association, Owasco Watershed Inspection Program and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation are conducting a lake-wide surveillance program for Owasco Lake and information on that program can be found here. The Cayuga Lake Watershed Network, Discover Cayuga Lake and the Community Science Institute are also conducting the HABs Harriers Monitoring Program for Cayuga Lake and information on that program can be found here here.

For other waterbodies in the County, harmful algal blooms can be reported to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation on their website.