Helping our Hemlocks: An Update on Research and Actions to Protect Hemlocks in Skaneateles

Helping our Hemlocks
Helping our Hemlocks

Onondaga Cornell Cooperative, with support from the City of Syracuse, hosted a presentation on February 22nd sharing research and actions focused on protecting Hemlock trees in the Skaneateles watershed and across NY State from Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA), an invasive insect that kills Hemlocks.

Link to presentation:

The NYS Hemlock Initiative shared research updates on HWA, including different biocontrol options. The program also provided an update on the independent work of both Skaneateles Lake Association, and Onondaga County Soil and Water Conservation District in treating Hemlocks in high priority steep ravines in the Skaneateles watershed, on both public and private property.

As a “foundation” species, hemlocks play a critical ecological role, providing many ecosystem services including protection of water quality. The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid is an insect native to Asia that lives and feeds on Hemlock trees. HWA infested trees typically die about 6-20 years after infestation.

The Water Bulletin

By Grascen Shidemantle, Executive Director, Community Science Institute

The Water Bulletin is Community Science Institute’s (CSI’s) annual newsletter where readers learn about the inspiring work of CSI’s dedicated volunteers who monitor water quality in the Cayuga Lake watershed and beyond. In the 2022 edition, we focus on the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and how CSI’s community-centered approach to water quality monitoring reflects the spirit of the CWA. Readers will also learn about the impacts of weather and climate change on monitoring stream water quality and harmful algal bloom (HAB) formation on Cayuga Lake. Next, we cover CSI’s free 4-H2O Youth Education Program, which focused this year on the “journey of water” as it moves throughout the water cycle. Finally, we highlight CSI’s staff, including our newest members, who work hard every day to make a difference in our watershed and beyond.

To view The Water Bulletin 2022 edition and past editions, please go to

Christmas Tree Recycling – Cayuga County Trade-A-Tree Program

By Valerie Horning of Cayuga County SWCD

Cayuga Recycles, a program of the Cayuga County Department of Planning and Economic Development, in conjunction with the Cayuga County Soil and Water Conservation District and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Cayuga County, is sponsoring the annual “Trade-A-Tree” program in Cayuga County. Bring in your “used” (real) Christmas tree after the holidays, and we will give you a certificate for a tree seedling to be picked up in the spring! Old trees will be chipped into mulch to be used on county projects, rather than taking up space in landfills. A Colorado Blue Spruce seedling will be given out to anyone who redeems their certificate on May 12, 2023 at the Annual Conservation District Spring Tree & Shrub Sale.

Trees must be free of decorations, tinsel, wraps or any other foreign objects. Trees will be accepted at the Natural Resource Center, 7413 County House Road, Auburn, NY during the following hours:

December 27-30, 2022 from 8 AM – 3:30 PM

January 3-6, 2023 from 8 AM – 3:30 PM

January 9-13, 2023 from 8 AM – 3:30 PM

January 17-20, 2023 from 8 AM – 3:30 PM

For more information, please visit our website at or call the Cayuga County Soil and Water Conservation District at (315)252-4171, ext. 4, or stop by our office located on County House Road in Sennett. We are available Monday – Friday from 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM.

Cayuga County WQMA March 2022 Newsletter and New Resources Available

The Cayuga County Water Quality Management Agency’s March 2022 Newsletter is now available on the WQMA website at

The Owasco Lake Watershed Inspection and Division of the Owasco Lake Watershed Management Council has created several new resources for Owasco Lake Watershed Homeowners: